Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Father’s Love

Birds singing and chirping sweet melodies of the Father’s Love and Grace that encompasses all His creation.
Trees providing an abode to nest these little creatures without question.
Indeed no one knows- no one understands the nature and time of expiration of the contract between the high branches of the tree and the birds of the air.
Incomprehensible it is
Incalculable humanly
Yet conspicuous physically
Commuting all year long our little friend who defies gravity is never homeless

Cogitate deeply. Ponder carefully. And soon it is clear that their contract far exceeds just the provision of shelter.
The ever-loving tree feeds his longtime friend faithfully

A playground for mother and chicks; A runway for first time flights; And a refuge in time of danger.
All these privileges enjoyed without payment.
A mansion fully furnished. Cable present to provide a wide view of events everywhere, yet free.

Surprised? No need to be.
Wondering if the same could happen to you?
Perhaps you are saying to yourself,”what a relationship!”
Such is the life given to us by the Saviour. His is Wonderful. Others call Him Counselor.
He is the Mighty God.

Just as the relationship between the bird and the tree is incomprehensible, so is the Father’s love for you.
Do you seek rest? Do you want to be fed and never go hungry again? Or perhaps you need someone to love and comfort you.

Go no further. Strive no longer. But consider His offer.
He bled and died for you. His resurrection opened a new chapter in the history of the divine.

He did not leave you to be alone rather He sent you the Comforter.
Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth His Lordship today.
Enter into His rest and begin to walk in the supernatural by Faith.



1 comment:

  1. Great feels like a lifetime opportunity offered to u on a silver platter.creative use of metaphors.this is the kind of stuff u want to finish reading once u start.
