Wednesday, August 4, 2010


…And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I’m never going to be good enough for you…
Now it’s just too late
And we can’t go back
I’m sorry I can’t be perfect…

......Simple plan

I don’t know how many of us have heard this song by Simple Plan. When I first heard it, I thought ‘this song describes my life and puts into words exactly what I have yearned to say.

One too many times, we tend to do things intended to make our loved ones proud of us but we never really meet their standards. Instead of a warm smile, a pat on the back or a word to show the pride they have in us, we most often get silence, a blank expression and sometimes a reprimand. I don’t know how many of us have been there before but I have travelled that road more times than I can remember. Simply put- the message is- ‘you will never be good enough.’

It’s about time we realized we can’t keep living through the eyes of others. I remember, some time back, when I hurt a close friend deeply. For months I kept apologizing. The only genuine response I ever got was ‘I’m disappointed in you’. The fact is that what I did was in the past and I couldn’t go back and change things. One day I told him ‘I’m sorry I can’t be the perfect person you wished I was. I can’t keep living like this because I have to pick myself up and move on.’

Many times in relationships, we find ourselves comparing or being compared to ex-partners, if there is such a case. You find that you never really match up. You keep falling short somewhere. Truth be told, you will never match up to that ex-partner so stop trying. Get up, love your imperfect self and move on and if your partner does not see you as good enough, well he or she is going to be the worse for it.

So how do we move on? This might come as a surprise but we can only do that on our knees. One songwriter puts it this way “I’ve learned in laughter or in pain how to survive; I get on my knees.There, I am before the love that changes me. I don’t know how but there’s power when I get on my knees.” Exactly so!

On your knees, your imperfections are made perfect by the Perfect Creator who made you as you are and loves you as you are. He does not require you to upgrade yourself before coming to Him. Actually; He takes your supposed defects and makes it the unique thing about you. So if there are people out there who still see you as imperfect, look them in the eye and tell them, ‘I’m sorry but I couldn’t be more perfect. And say it with no apologies!
