Where music talks about nothing but sex and money,
Where we want badly to be accepted, to feel like somebody,
Where love is nothing but a night of pleasure,
Where work is your life, and your life is your treasure,
Where people are judged by their clothes and cars,
Where smiles cover up indelible scars,
Where people are fake, yet emotions run wild,
Where we can’t even protect the life of an unborn child,
Where we take from, but don’t think to give back,
Where we want everything except to know lack,
Where technology advances every second of everyday,
Where everyone wants their very own way,
Where what you toil to build can be broken in but a minute,
Where we witness poverty, but pretend we haven’t seen it,
Where fashion means you’re scantily clad,
Where cities hide behind glittering facades,
Where “I” and “me” are the words used most often,
Where it costs just as much for a house as for a coffin,
Where fear has a foothold, a grip we can’t lose,
Where we take our lives with pills , drown ourselves in pools,
Where people know what’s wrong, but are too scared to admit it,
Where we hide behind hypocrisy, professing change but never living it,
Where the church is in a corner, too afraid to reach out,
Where the people in the world don’t seem to know what they’re about,
Where we spend our lives sitting, doing nothing but resenting,
Where people live without purpose, sentiment and reason,
Where people die everyday, from unseen hurts and unheard sorrows,
Where we while our time away, worrying about tomorrow,
Where hearts, once fragile, are played with as with toys,
Where we judge by eloquence, beauty , grace and poise,
Where we know but can’t admit that our future’s pretty dim,
Where darkness wraps around us, and we’re sinking into sin,
Where cartoons teach our children what to say and do,
Where our children can’t even say a prayer in school,
Where God is disregarded, and Jesus always mocked,
Where we say we fight for freedom, but yet still deep down we’re locked,
Where we live but fail to see…
Change begins and only prevails… when I start with me!